Five Potentially Harmful Bible Study Methods

Whether we are new to Bible Study or have been a diligent scholar of God’s Word for many years, most of us can benefit from re-examining how we approach our personal studies. How we handle precious biblical truth matters! After all, God’s Word is a spiritual weapon, and a weapon used improperly can be harmful. Most of us have used one of these Bible study methods at one time or another. Have you used any of them? Read all five methods below and discover the remedy for each!

1.     Open and Point Method: Have you ever been so desperate to hear from the Lord that you simply open a Bible and point to a verse? There have been times in my life when I have done this and been amazed at what the Lord showed me and how He met my need. But I’ll never forget the way God taught me the need for wisdom and discernment when using this method.

A few years ago, after receiving the news that my non-Hodgkin lymphoma had relapsed, I was desperate to find a scripture that would give me encouragement and strength. I used the “Open and Point Method” to discover what the Lord might want to say to me. Shockingly, the verse I pointed to was this: “I will prepare your grave, for you are vile” (Nahum 1:14).  But I know my Shepherd’s voice, and I also know not to misapply His Word. This Scripture, in its context, was meant for Nineveh, which was a faithless and ruthless society. God’s Word, incorrectly handled, can cause us to fear or mistrust, but fear is never from God. If you decide to use the “Open and Point Method,” do it with wisdom, always considering the context, history, and meaning of the passage you are reading.  

Remedy: Consider the need for discernment and wisdom when applying what you read.

2.     Taking Verses Out of Context Method: I love seeing Scripture verses on cute frames or other household items, but I’ve occasionally noticed “decorative verses” that are altered just enough to change their original meaning. Taking Scripture out of context can be dangerous because we might begin to believe something that God’s Word never meant to communicate. For instance, I have heard people claim that Romans 8:28 says, “Everything works together for good,” but taking part of a Bible verse out of context is like trying to claim a prize with only half of a claim ticket!

When we read the entire verse in context, we learn that there are qualifiers on that popular statement, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters” (Romans 8:28-29). Paul is saying that God works in all things for the good of those who love Him and have been called by Him by using those things to conform us into the image of Christ. We would completely miss this exciting truth if we only believed a portion of the full treasure of God’s Word to us. Do you want to gain a full understanding of all the promises that are yours in Christ? Then read the entire text. 

Remedy: Consider the entire context of the verse by reading the passage around it.

Photo of person writing in Bible

3.     The Justify My Position Method: Have you ever had a conflict with fellow believer, then searched for a Bible verse to prove that you are in the right? Have you read a Scripture verse and said to yourself, “Aha! This is exactly what (that person) is doing wrong. They are (gossiping, judging, lying, etc.) and this is the Scripture that shows they are in the wrong.” No?! Well, I have! Having the thought is not sinful, but what you do with the thought can cause real harm. Taking Scripture and using it to further conflict and bolster your position of being “right” is always wrong. God’s Word is a weapon that we can use to battle our sinful nature and temptation, but it is not a weapon we should use to bully or harm others.

“All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).

When we use Scripture to correct or rebuke a fellow believer who is walking in error, we must do it with gentleness and without pride. Galatians 6:1 says, “Brothers and sisters, if someone is caught in a sin, you who live by the Spirit should restore that person gently. But watch yourselves, or you may also be tempted.” We must use God’s Word wisely, and with gentleness, trusting that the Holy Spirit can convict a wayward heart better than our angry words or frustrated arguing. Be careful that everything you do is done in love. (See 1 Corinthians 16:14)

Remedy: Consider your own sin before showing someone else theirs. When you use Scripture to correct and restore someone, do so in gentleness and with love.   

4.     The “Not for Me” Method: When I was a new believer, I focused on reading the New Testament. Although it was a wonderful place to start learning about the Lord, I completely ignored the Old Testament. My reasoning (and excuse) was that the “law” was satisfied through Jesus’ sacrifice, so I only needed to learn from the New Testament. I was absolutely wrong, though, because acquiring a deeper understanding of the entirety of Scripture is necessary for faith and growth as a believer. Have you ever ignored complicated or “boring” chapters, reasoning that they are too hard to understand or not relevant to your life? Have you dismissed portions of God’s Word, thinking that they are for “smarter” or more educated people? They are for you, too, or they would not be in the Bible!

There are many ways you can begin to learn about those books of the Bible that have always seemed too complicated. You can find a Bible study at your church or look online for Bible Study Fellowship or Community Bible Study courses in your area. My foray into a deeper understanding of Scripture began in one such study, when I learned about the minor prophets of the Old Testament. I marveled at how Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled Old Testament prophesy, and my faith increased as I studied passages that had previously seemed too difficult for me. I also met a sister in Christ who became my dearest friend, a blessing I would have missed out on if we had not obeyed God’s call to pursue this particular Bible study. You never know what gifts you will receive when you determine to learn from the entirety of God’s Word.

Remedy: Consider it all true; the entire Bible is meant for you!


5.      The “Scenic View” Method: I love the Book of Psalms because they comfort me. When I am having my quiet time, and cannot decide what to read, I tend to gravitate there. There are certain sections of my Bible that I’ve read so much the pages are falling apart. I love these passages because of the encouragement I receive from them. But if we read only the books or verses that make us “feel good,” we will miss out on much that God desires to teach us.

Have you ever opened your Bible to look for verses that would bring you peace and encouragement but ignored the ones that convicted you? If we do this, it is to our peril. The Bible is a guidebook for life that leads us to eternal life. After all, if you are headed somewhere, you need a map. When my husband and I visited Hawaii, we had to follow directions to get to our hotel. If we had ignored roads that took us past the fields of lava rock in favor of driving on the scenic ocean routes we loved, we would never have reached our destination. Decide today that you will allow all of God’s Word to equip and guide your life.

Remedy: Consider the Bible as your guidebook; every direction in it helps you reach your destination.

This article first appeared on as Five Potentially Harmful Bible Study Methods.

Which method do you tend to use? Which remedy will you begin to implement? 


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